What happens at a chapel of rest


A Chapel of Rest is located at a funeral home and is a place where family and friends of the deceased can visit a loved one before their funeral takes place. Many people feel the need to visit their loved one following their death, and the Chapel of Rest offers you a soothing and private space to say goodbye.

About our Chapel of Rest

At Dillamore, we have a Chapel of Rest located on our premises on Old Road in Linslade. We can welcome you and your family in to spend time with your loved one, and aim to make the experience as comfortable as can be. Our flexible approach means that we can adapt the service we offer to meet your needs. Our team are here to support you and your family throughout the visit, whilst giving you all the space you need.

To help you understand what a Chapel of Rest visit at Dillamore will be like, we’ve tried to answer some of the most frequently asked questions…

Dillamore Chapel of Rest

Should I arrange a Chapel of Rest visit?

There is no right or wrong answer. Some people find great comfort in visiting a loved one prior to their funeral and it can help them come to terms with what has happened. Others would rather remember a person as they once were, or simply don’t feel the need to visit someone before their funeral. Do what feels right for you and your family. If you are unsure, speak to our team – we can provide you with guidance and will support you as you make your decision.

Will the coffin be open or closed?

What feels right for one family may not feel right for another, and the choice is entirely your decision. When you make an appointment to visit your loved one, we will ask you whether you want an open or a closed coffin. You don’t have to make a decision straight away and can take some time to think about it. If you change your mind at any point then simply let us know, but bear in mind we may need to reschedule your appointment.

Sometimes we will advise a family not to have an open coffin. This could be for a number of reasons, such as if the cause of death has changed a person’s appearance. Whilst we may offer our recommendation, the final decision is down to you.

What will my loved one be wearing?

Your loved one can wear whatever you wish. Many people find it comforting to see their loved one in a way that they remember, and clothes can help to do this. We will ask you to bring in any clothing, jewellery and shoes you would like them to wear, and will make notes about any specific requests you have. If you would prefer not to provide us with clothes, we will dress your loved one in a simple funeral gown.

If your loved one wore makeup and you would like it to be applied for your visit, we will ask you to bring in their makeup bag. This allows us to do their makeup in a way that you will remember them by and ensures the right colours and tones are used.

How long can I spend with my loved one?

You can spend as long in the Chapel of Rest as you need. There is no set amount of time you should take – some people only need a few minutes, others need much longer. Someone from our team may come in to check you have everything you need after an hour or so, and if you need more time then it’s no problem at all.

Do I have to arrange an appointment?

Yes. Our team will need some time to get everything ready for your visit, so will require you to book an appointment beforehand. We are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, and can arrange an appointment at any time that works for you. Out of hours and weekend visits may also be arranged but there will be a small cost to do this.

What does a Chapel of Rest visit cost?

If you are arranging a full funeral service with Dillamore then you can visit your loved one at no extra cost during our opening hours. For simple funerals, such as a direct cremations and burials, there would be a small charge for Chapel visits. Likewise, any out-of-hours visits would also incur a small charge. Our team will be able to advise you on this when you book your appointment.

How many people can come to a visit?

We don’t have a set number of people we can fit in to our Chapel of Rest and the room comfortably fits a family or small group. If you would like a larger number of people to attend, speak to our team who can advise whether they can facilitate this.

Do you have facilities to play music?

We don’t have a speaker system located on our premises, however you are more than welcome to bring a small portable music system to play music from.

Can I take photos of my loved one?

There are no laws or regulations that prohibit you from taking photos of your loved one during a Chapel of Rest visit, however it may not feel appropriate for everyone. Before taking any photos, consider how your loved one would feel about having their photo taken. If you are not the next of kin, seek their permission first, and ensure everyone in the room is comfortable with a photo being taken.

Can I host a memorial service in the Chapel of Rest?

Yes. If you have arranged a direct burial or cremation without a funeral service, you may still want to say goodbye in a meaningful way. Our Chapel of Rest is suitable to hold a small memorial service for immediate family and friends. Our team of funeral arrangers can support you in arranging this.

If you are recently bereaved and would like our support in arranging a loved one’s funeral, call us on 01525 372210 or use our contact form. You can also book an appointment online using our scheduling tool. Our team are here to support you with whatever you need during this time.