Funeral Costs

Horse drawn carriage

There are many things to think about and decide when arranging a funeral, and often a budget will need to be met to suit the family’s needs. It is a difficult time for next of kin or loved ones who are dealing with loss. We will always give you a breakdown of costs as part of our invoicing and suggest ways to help you plan a perfect but affordable funeral.

Standardised Price List

All funeral directors are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different funeral directors (because prices can vary).

Attended Funeral (Funeral Director’s Charges Only) - £2,170.00 Angle Down

This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation.

Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements – £685.00

Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (normally within 15 miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral director’s care – £355.00

Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at Dillamore Funeral Service Ltd, 16 Old Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 2RF – £350.00

Providing a suitable coffin – made with an oak veneer – £200.00

Viewing of the deceased person for family and friends, by appointment with the funeral director (where viewing is requested by the customer) – £0.00

At a date and time you agree with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle – £580.00

Unattended Funeral Angle Down

This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.

Burial (funeral director’s charges only) – £1,000.00
Cremation (funeral director’s charges plus the cremation fee) 2 – £1,170.00

Fees You Must Pay Angle Down

For an Attended or Unattended burial funeral, the burial fee.1 – £429 – £2,544.00

In this local area, the typical cost of the burial fee for local residents is – £532.50
For a new grave, you will also need to pay for the plot; for an existing grave with a memorial in place, you may need to pay a removal/replacement fee. In addition, the cemetery may charge a number of other fees.

For an Attended cremation funeral, the cremation fee.2 £900 – £1,645
In this local area, the typical cost of cremation for local residents is – £900.00

Specific Religious, Belief-based and/or Cultural Requirements Angle Down

Please discuss any specific religious, belief-based and/or cultural requirements that you have with the funeral director.

Additional Funeral Director Products and Services Angle Down

This funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. Examples include:

Additional mileage (price per mile after the first 30 running miles) – £2.50
Additional transfers of the deceased person’s body (e.g. to their home, to a place of worship etc.) (price per transfer) – £355.00
Collection and delivery of ashes – £35.00
Embalming – £220.00
Funeral officiant (e.g. celebrant, minister of religion etc.) – Prices on request
Services supplied outside of normal office hours – Prices on request

The funeral director can give you a full list of what they can supply. They are likely to charge for these additional products and services, so you may choose to take care of some arrangements without their involvement, or you can use a different supplier.

1 This fee (which is sometimes called the interment fee) is the charge made for digging and closing a new grave, or for reopening and closing an existing grave.
2 In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you will usually need to pay doctors’ fees as well. This is the charge for two doctors to sign the Medical Certificates for Cremation.

Download Standardised Price List

Crematorium Pricing

Please see our Crematorium Pricing below Angle Down

Bierton Crematorium – £900.00
Aylesbury Vale Crematorium – £950.00
Crownhill Crematorium, Milton Keynes – £1078.00
The Vale Crematorium, Luton – £1120.00
West Herts Crematorium, Garston, Watford – £980.00
Bedford Crematorium – £1031.09

Terms of Business

We are a member of the National Association of Funeral Directors and subscribe to their current Code of Practice, a copy of which is available upon request. We aim to act in a professional manner and provide a courteous, sensitive and dignified service to you.

1. Estimates and Expenses Angle Down

Our estimate is an indication of the charges likely to be incurred on the basis of the information and details we know at the date of estimate. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the estimate, the charges are liable to alteration particularly where third parties change their rates or charges.

We may not know the amount of third party charges in advance of the funeral, however we will give you a best estimate of such charges on the written estimate. The actual amount of the charges will be detailed and shown in the final account.

If you amend your instructions, we may require your written confirmation of the changes. We may need to make an extra charge in accordance with prices published in our current price list.

We will add VAT to our charges where applicable, and at the rate applicable when we prepare the invoice.

2. Payment Arrangements Angle Down

The funeral account is due for payment within 30 days of our account, unless otherwise agreed by us in writing. The company reserves the right to request payment of all fees and disbursements prior to a funeral taking place.

Payment accepted by cheque, cash, debit or credit card, or by BACS (Sort Code: 20-03-18, Account No: 93160904).

If you fail to pay us in full on the due date, we may charge you interest;

  • at a rate of 4% above our bank’s base rate from time to time in force;
  • calculate (on a daily basis) from the date of our account until payment;
  • compounded on the first day of each month; and
  • before and after any judgment (unless a court orders otherwise).

We may recover (under clause 3) the cost of taking legal action to make you pay.

3. Indemnity Angle Down

You are to indemnify us in full and hold us harmless from all expenses and liabilities we may incur (directly or indirectly including financing cots and legal costs on a full indemnity basis) following any breach by you of any of your obligations under these terms.

This means that you are liable to us for losses we incur because you do not comply with these terms, for example we will charge you an administration fee where we receive a cheque from you which is subsequently not honoured or if we write to remind you that an account is overdue. If we instruct debt collection agents, we may also recover the fees we incur from you. Further details regarding these fees are available on request. We may claim these losses from you at any time and if we have to take legal action, we will ask the court to make you pay our legal costs.

4. GDPR – Privacy Policy Angle Down

Our Privacy Policy is available on our website at

5. Termination Angle Down

We reserve the right to terminate our services if you fail to honour your obligations under these terms. We are under no obligation to accept your termination until we receive your instructions in writing.

If you terminate your instructions or if we decided to terminate our services, you will be invoiced for all third party charges which we have paid or are committed to. You will also have to pay our charges and expenses according to the scale set out below;

Termination within 2 days of due date for performing services – 100% of fees payable
Termination within 1 week of due date for performing services- 80% of fees payable
Termination within 2 weeks of due date for performing services- 50% of fees payable

6. Conduct Angle Down

Our Code of Practice requires that we provide a high quality service in all aspects. If, however, you have any questions or concerns about the service we provide to you, please raise them in the first instance with our designated senior person. If that does not resolve the problem to your satisfaction then please contact the Funeral Arbitration Scheme at 618 Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 1AA, who provide independent conciliation and arbitration through the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

All dates and times provided on the estimate cannot be guaranteed until final bookings are made and confirmed. Although we endeavour to provide a prompt and efficient service for you there maybe circumstances where, because of circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to fulfil our obligations to you on the date or time specified. Where this is the case, we will attempt to contact you in advance, using the details overleaf, and advise you of alternative arrangements.

7. Agreement Angle Down

Your continuing instructions will amount to your continuing acceptance of these terms of business.

Any waiver or variation of these terms is binding in honour only unless:

  • made (or recorded) in writing;
  • signed by one of our directors; and
  • expressly stating an intention to vary these terms.

Your instructions will not create any right enforceable (by virtue of the Contracts Rights of Third Parties Act 1999) by any person not identified as our client.

If any of these terms are unenforceable as drafted;

  • it will not affect the enforceability of any other of these terms; and
  • if it would be enforceable if amended, it will be treated as so amended.

Nothing in these terms restricts or limits our liability for death or personal injury.

English law is applicable to any contract made under these terms. The English and Welsh courts have non-exclusive jurisdiction.

Additional Products Price List

Funeral Director Products and Services Price List – January 2025

Limousine – up to 30 running miles – £295.00
Additional Mileage (per Mile – after the first 30 running miles) – £2.50
Extra Pall Bearers (two people) – £170.00
Out of hours collection (Limited option & Direct packages only) – £150.00
Grave Preparation – £660.00
Removal of standard headstone – £150.00
Grave Marker Cross – £100.00
Grave Marker Plaque – £50.00
Arrangement of Interment of ashes – £195.00
Preparation of Ashes Plot – £120.00
Attendance at Ashes Interment – £85.00
Temporary Ashes Container – £35.00
Scatter Tube for ashes from – £50.00
Traditional Oak Casket – £110.00
Malvern Oak Casket – £130.00
Delivery of Ashes – out of local area – Prices on request

Funeral Examples

Bespoke Traditional
Funeral Services

From £3,275*

A bespoke funeral will allow us to create a service that uniquely suits you and the wishes of your loved ones.

Bespoke traditional funerals usually range from £5000 to £6000 and the team at Dillamore is ready to offer advice if you need help or would like more information about what a bespoke service can involve.

*Third Party Disbursements

Limited Option
Funeral Services


A limited option funeral will include everything needed to give your loved one a dignified and uncomplicated funeral which includes service, a coffin and all documentation taken care of by our staff.

A limited option funeral does not include newspaper notices and service sheets and chapel visits can be arranged at an extra cost.

*Third Party Disbursements

Direct Cremation or
Direct Burial Services

Direct Cremation Only £900*

Direct Burial Only £1,000*

A direct cremation or burial allows our experienced staff to take your loved one into our care, completing all necessary documentation, providing a coffin and transfer to allow your loved one to be laid to rest.

A direct cremation or burial does not include a service, service sheets, officiant, newspaper notices, or chapel visits.


*Third Party Disbursements

Baby and Child Funeral Services

The arrangement of a funeral for a baby or child raises choices which you may feel entirely unprepared for. Dillamore will offer as much support as possible to parents following a bereavement, and as part of this commitment, the funeral service we provide for your loved one is free of charge up to the age of 16 years old.

For children’s funerals, families will need to pay for ministers/officiants fees, plus any additional products and services that are not included in our Simple Funeral Service.

In England, cremation fees (including doctors’ fees for cremation documents) and burial fees (including the cost of a burial plot) will be claimed back from the Children’s Funeral Fund for England (CFF) on the family’s behalf.

Funeral Finance

Funeral costs can vary depending on the type of funeral. You can quite often incur costs before the details and additional items are added. If you’re struggling to cover the costs and need help with financing a funeral, then we’re here to assist. Our Finance page explains how your local council or hospital can help you with covering the cost.


About third party disbursements

The funeral arrangements made for your loved ones can incur fees from third parties, from the church, crematorium, cemetery, doctor and officiant.

Dillamore will manage and distribute all of these required fees on your behalf to lighten the administrative burden at an already difficult time and provide full detail within your chosen service.

About Professional Funeral Director fees

Our Professional Funeral Director Fee allows the team at Dillamore to plan and administer your service of choice.

It is a fixed amount which includes the completion of legally required documentation and the management of any disbursements.

On the day of the funeral, a Dillamore Funeral Director and their team of personnel will carry out your chosen arrangements with discrete efficiency and care.

Before, during and after the day, Dillamore will coordinate each step from bringing your loved one into our care through to the provision of vehicles, coffins and on-site facilities.

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We know this can be a difficult time and understanding the costs can be somewhat confusing, but we’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Speak with our team today and we’ll be more than happy to walk you through the options.